Unleash your erotic expression! Pussy Palette is a digital toy  encouraging people with vulvas to voice their sexual desires. The computer — your playmate — will listen to what you want to try out. Talk to them, tell them what  you would like them to do as if communicating to a partner. Guide them to move in different directions. You can also ask them to increase or decrease the speed or the pressure they are applying. If you want some variety, try different pleasurers (finger, tongue, or vibrator). You decide when you’ve played enough – say when! Your pleasure map will be downloaded automatically (if you allow file download on this site).

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Discussions around sex are still subject to taboos, especially when it comes to topics around female bodies and female pleasure. Even in the context of sex education, sex is often viewed primarily through the lens of reproduction or the prevention of infections. With this project, we are advocating for media exploring other aspects of sex as well, such as playfulness, pleasure, self-discovery, and communication.

If you are interested in reading more about the aim of this project and our development process, you can access the article we wrote here: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3656156.3665429

Designed & developed by Eszter Várhidi and Saskia Joanna Rauhut
Exhibited at the 2024 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS).
Font on cover image: Schoolbell
Code for brushes adapted from Steve's Makerspace: https://editor.p5js.org/StevesMakerspace/sketches/e4rxSKgYE